I created an about me page, need to look into having it anchored through site (new to wordpress, intend to migrate to a django served blog tho)
Tag: welcome
b3ta: Intro
After much deliberation over what to do for first fursuit, I have settled on a Red Panda. whom I shall call “b3ta”. b3ta, so called because I will be using him as a test bed for ideas, before further refinement and improvements (later version, or other fursuits).
EF21 was a fantastic con last year, my first (and only) furry con to date. There were some truly fantastic suits on display there, not to mention the amazingly warm and welcoming people I met there too!
A majority of the suits did bug me though; something I whined no end about to the roomie (*waves*). Static poses and near comical jaw movement. Of these two the latter strikes me as near trivial to remedy, abstraction of the motion of jaw away from mere “chin driven” to “chin actuated”. Over a few beers we had sketches for a more expressive form of lower jaw movement.
The perils of drunken con nights means said sketches are no more, trashed. The idea lives on! *fires up blender to start on parts*
First post!
Hello people!
Welcome to Meawmix’s blog.
For the moment it will be a mere skeleton of a blog. Soon (unemployment looms) I’ll have more time to dedicate to this.
Upcoming (planned) posts:
- 3D Printer reviews (Prussia I3; M3D)
- 3D printer tech reviews
- Board and tech reviews
- Fursuit building progress
- Furry stuff (general)
- Eurofurence! (EF 22)
- Modelling progress
- Anamatronics updates
For now, sit back, and be patient 🙂