ESP January!

Woop! I survived the shitshow that was 2020. Now, what to do?

I know, I’ll extend my home IoT network, add more sensors, relays, LEDs, some well-being monitoring schtuff. Planning to control/monitor with HomeAssistant running on an RPi 4 (MQTT server, and ESPHome server).

For the rest of January I’ll be adding an ESP a day!

First, a simple 12V relay, powered by this cute lil ESP-01s. Relay will power 2 computer case fans, 1 which will pull air through a carbon filter; 1 will cool an RPi cluster.

b3ta: Animating

I decided to design b3ta to have a range of facial expressions, the goal being having movements in the face which mimic the movements of an animal (ears, nose, whiskers) and human (eyes, lips, mouth, eyelids, eyebrows).

Doing this will require anamatronics, or put otherwise, the planning of:

What needs to move and how
Testing the desired expressions/movements on the 3d model (rigging/animating in blender)
Abstracting these movements to mechanical motions
Building (3d printing, mechano, wire, foam, motors, linear actuators, guy cord, drive belts, steppers, ping pong balls, abs, silicon rubber, fymo, paint, foam, mesh, wire mesh, dye, …)

… It’ll be a lot of work… Each of these points will be expanded on periodically, as completed and written up nicely. This may cause a delay in some parts as I work sporadically on different stages, to maintain variety in jobs and pique interest (also my problem solving and thought procesess are a little …frenetic).

I think I’ll post the work on the ears next. Or prototype head meshing (from last year).

b3ta: Intro

After much deliberation over what to do for first fursuit, I have settled on a Red Panda. whom I shall call “b3ta”. b3ta, so called because I will be using him as a test bed for ideas, before further refinement and improvements (later version, or other fursuits).


EF21 was a fantastic con last year, my first (and only) furry con to date. There were some truly fantastic suits on display there, not to mention the amazingly warm and welcoming people I met there too!

 A majority of the suits did bug me though; something I whined no end about to the roomie (*waves*). Static poses and near comical jaw movement. Of these two the latter strikes me as near trivial to remedy, abstraction of the motion of jaw away from mere “chin driven” to “chin actuated”. Over a few beers we had sketches for a more expressive form of lower jaw movement.

The perils of drunken con nights means said sketches are no more, trashed. The idea lives on! *fires up blender to start on parts*