server updates, general updates


I’ve been playing with the server instance this site is hosted on after a few behind the scenes changes were made by host. WordPress will be kept for the moment as a blogging tool; more excitingly, django (python webserver) has been installed, along with mediaWiki, and a nicer gallery app.

Django will be used for serving some cute little visualisations of the fandom’s twitter behaviour i’m working on. MediaWiki will be used for build logs of other projects (fursuit head, and the gloves (see twitter)).

stay tuned….


B3ta – LoFi (Polygonal) EF Update

… it was balls to the wall, but didn’t get to finish the head in time (neighbours complained about Dremel use at night, oops)… will be ready for GLC in November, maybe a regular head too, lol.

Now I’m in Berlin for EF, staying offsite in an apartment XD [blog update,] shower, tea, then TO EF!!!


Apologies for the hiatus, a few things have kept me busy past couple of weeks… Including this new toy… Work halted on suit temporarily, to resume immediately!

Here’s a picture of new toy


*grins* perhaps will be relevant to the b3ta project…


Update to update:

After a little r&r&s in Amsterdam, I realised a potential major issue with the b3ta project, it might not be well suited (fnar fnar) to nighttime use, specifically in the dances. A offshoot for nighttime use is being considered, prototyped in paper… More to follow!
