EF22 – 360 Videos!


Fursuit Parade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E71qcETUu10

80s Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qdiVpRRxak


Post Content:

EF22 is over *sad-face*, epic fun times were had. Now I process and (slowly, the processing takes time) release videos I recorded there (I was the goofball walking around with 6 GoPros mounted to a selfie stick, at dances, con, firepit, parade, etc)

The first full one, of the “fursuit parade” is available (rough) here:

here I say “Rough cut” because there is still some processing to do to make perfect (minor stitching errors are evident in video, and the “virtual horizon” has not been correctly set; both of these need to be manually configured each time the camera rig makes a large movement in the vertical plane, and, well, that happens alot!), for now I hope you’ll be forgiving and put up with slightly weird view/orientation/minor motion-sickness until fixed!

Dance (80s Dance) is being processed by youtube now (first version lacked the correct metadata, and was not processed to 360 rectangular-viewport; instead remains as a orthographic projection, sort-of like world maps, with a sphere flattened to rectangle. Is here is you want to see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qdiVpRRxak )

I’ll make a post with details on how these were made, and software used. I’m being a little lazy at the moment, and using AVP (AutoPano Video Pro; commercial software from Kolor, now a subsidiary of GoPro), it has the benefit of being quick and semi automated; has the drawback of being too automated at times. PTGui and VideoStitch are beastly (and geeky, more my style 😉 ) but with a backlog of 400Gb of videos, quick first, then proper! I will note that the workflow for PTGui / VideoStitch allows for some truly funky things to be done during the frame-by-frame processing, e.g. calling OpenCV with Python and identifying / tracking objects *grins* (I’ll post on that at some point too)


Meaw for now,



B3ta – LoFi (Polygonal) EF Update

… it was balls to the wall, but didn’t get to finish the head in time (neighbours complained about Dremel use at night, oops)… will be ready for GLC in November, maybe a regular head too, lol.

Now I’m in Berlin for EF, staying offsite in an apartment XD [blog update,] shower, tea, then TO EF!!!


Update on progress for EF 22

GAH! I leave for EF tomorrow, so much to do, so little time!

(yes, I have known about this for a year; yes I have procrastinated an obscene amount)


Modelled a polygonal (LoFi) red panda head from reference images in blender (started from scratch, rather than use a pre-existing, high poly mesh). Pictures of the final used model below:

<image placeholder>

This was checked for proportions using a reference head, and proper (metric) metric scaling applied. To check, and tweak the model a number of small test prints were made using a 3d printer (M3D for those interested). Minor adjustments were made to the mesh after printing.

The mesh was then collapsed to a 2D net using the blender plugin “Paper Model” (https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Import-Export/Paper_Model), a couple of refinements to the mesh were made to make for a usable printable size (1:1 scaling, using A4 paper). A papercraft net of the head is available here:


Example sheet from papercraft net:



So, with a head and papercraft net, now what? …go crazy cutting perspex! Each of the segments of the net were traced onto 1.5mm thick perspex, and cut to shape using a Dremel or small wire-hand-saw.

Safety first peeps, stay protected! (eye goggles, mask, wear appropriate clothing, remain sober while operating tools, etc)


Individual panels will be held together with 3d printed (PLA) spacers, which follow the edges of the mesh. The perspex panels will be glued to the 3d printed parts (locktite: crystal glue), gaps in the seams filled with silicon bathroom sealant.

The perspex panels are naturally transparent (though do block UV…), and so need frosting (or otherwise being made opaque/semi-opaque). Plastic self adhering window tint/decals will be used to achieve opacity in the panels, although “self stick” this decal will be spray glued (to ensure even distribution of glue) to the perspex. Semi-opacity will allow later addition of RGB LEDs to the inside of the head.

Finished shots to follow… unclear if will be finished in time! GAH! *panics* (if not finished, will not take; can always do a cheeky papercraft anyways XD )



b3ta: LoFi (polygonal)

GAH! EF22 has snuck up on me! (life got a little crazy recently, moved apartments and *stuff*)

Quick update: Project for b3ta stripped back to get finished for EF22; now, a LoFi polygonal fursuit partial will be made!

A longer post to be made this evening, with: inspiration, concept, modelling, and first WIP shots!
Might post: a paper-craft version, and badge updates.